Role : I had an opportunity to design a few mobile screens as a Digital Designer for a prototype product that’s was designed to be the sister application to the NYC Recreation Department website.
Project Brief :
There are tons of people who don’t know that NYC across the boroughs has an abundance amount of natural spaces to visit. For those who have just moved there, they may not even know where to begin their search and what their options are. GreenNYC is a PWA that was built as a complement to the New York City Recreation Department’s website.
As a navigation app, it was made to provide an experience for those that needed help searching and discovering natural places in NYC while on the go. As part of the Product Design team, I was tasked with designing the navigation screen and the exploration page while maintaining the brand identity and aesthetic of the NYC Recreation Department.
Designing the Navigation
I kept it simple with this design and followed the design pattern for most navigational applications. This was done so the user experience was more intuitive and user’s were able to jump right in and begin searching for natural spaces throughout NYC’s boroughs.
I wanted to the focus of the user at the center of the design process, answering several questions during brainstorming sessions such as:
1. “Where would they want to go and how would they find out?
2. How can they remember this location, and where are the opportunities to discover something new?
The Expanded Screen
I designed a stylized list of parks located in Manhattan as an example of the expanded screen.
The goal for this screens was to begin navigation to the desired location without further research and extra steps beyond original screen and the current exploration page.
This design is also image heavy in order to peak interest for different nature locations, but it was also very necessary to balance with this well with important content on the page in an organized and visually appealing way.